Building a Safe and Prosperous Edmonton

We stand at the forefront of advocacy in our city to ensure safer streets, safer transit, and safer communities.

A Safer Edmonton

Taking Action

We will work with the Edmonton Police and advocacy groups to stand up against criminal activity and those who enable crime to flourish.

Protecting Our Kids

Families should feel safe in the city they love. Parents need to have confidence their children are safe in public spaces and on public transit.

Ensuring Accountability

The safety of Edmontonians is paramount and we will leadership City Hall accountable to ensure they prioritize public safety.

Stand Up For The City You Love

Every dollar we raise goes towards our advocacy and to ensure we win the fight against crime in Edmonton.

Crime Drives Fear into our Neighbourhoods

Thefts, violence, and social disorder are impacting Edmontonians. People fear for the safety of their loved ones; dread the shattered glass of their cars, and shudder at the possibility of becoming the next headline. This isn't paranoia— it's the grim reality.

Every 2.5 hours, an act of sexual violence is committed in Edmonton

Your vehicle is more likely to be stolen than involved in an accident

The Edmonton crime rate is 51% higher than the national average

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Edmonton Forward?

Edmonton Forward is an advocacy organization created to tackle issues of crime and disorder in the city of Edmonton. We have seen the impact of crime in our communities. Assaults, open drug use in transit stations and the LRT’s, lockdowns in malls and schools, and homicides on our streets and downtown core has led to frustrated residents looking for answers. Edmonton Forward is here to do its part in finding creative solutions to these complex community safety problems.

What makes Edmonton Forward different from other social service agencies already

advocating for safer communities?

We are not competing with other agencies or organizations already on the ground but will complement their work. We appreciate the work they do. We will focus on innovative community safety policies, ideas and thought leadership to bring people and resources together for a safer community.

How will Edmonton Forward ensure safe communities and safe streets?

While the Edmonton Police Service has the primary responsibility for community safety and security, Edmonton Forward will enhance the work of the police by advocating for policies and initiatives that support them to meet their public safety mandate.

Who is financially funding and supporting Edmonton Forward?

We do not receive any source of government funding. Edmonton Forward is funded by generous donations of concerned residents and businesses of Edmonton.

How can I get involved and support Edmonton Forward?

You can donate, volunteer, or follow us on social media.

Still have questions?